Tips for Segerstrom Center for the Arts, Segerstrom Hall
1,996 Segerstrom Center for the Arts, Segerstrom Hall Tips
Not suitable for children under 10 due to sexual content.
Make sure you use the restroom before the show because the first act is 1 1/2 hrs. ;ong.
The Spanish was just awful!! It wasn't clear most of the time and just so hard to understand.
I ALWAYS park at T.G.I. Friday's parking structure. It is just one block away.
I did not know about Spanish translation earphones.
Since I don't know Spanish, it would be nice to have subtitle.
Since I don't know any Spanish, it would be nice if they have subtitle.
Claim Jumper and Z Tejas have a great happy hour for before the show.
Terry DeLorenzo
Disappointing that they changed an American Musical into Spanish.
West Side Story
Ate at Pizza Ortica - great food & saved on parking (they validate)
Substantial Spanish. Lots of cussing in Spanish in Act 1
Rape/Near-Rape scene might warrant talking with kids.
Weeknights, you must enter the adjoining lot via Ave of the Arts, NOT via theater entrance.
I speak fluently Spanish. However these were not approppiate Spanish
Garage parking is too expensive; up to $10 now.
Pay in advance for your drinks and save time!
Pick up the earphones that will assist you with the translation (from Spanish)
You can pay in advance for your drinks to pick up in the
Do not speak Spanish, so did not understand theme fully
Zell Lewis
Why do people eat muchies from noisy crinkely bags...
West Side Story