286 Irvine Barclay Theatre Tips
Beer and wine in the lobby
Paid parking in the structure for $8.00.
There were some food options at the University Center.
Anything from jeans to slacks
Please PLEASE, turn your phone off
$8 to park in the structure
Park over the bridge in shopping center for free
Eat at Britta's across Campus Dr, before the perf. Wonderful menu and service.
$8 at the structure. bring cash.
$8 parking garage fee
Smart casual
Give ample time to lcoate garage - fee is $8
Non specific but don't be a slob
I can't believe people wear jeans and tee-shirts to the Theatre :-(
Lots of options a few blocks away on Campus
Large parking structure avilable--equivalent of about a block's walk from handicapped accessible
Parking was $8.00 in the nearby structure.
In-N-Out and Yogurtland across the street. Didn't buy at the theater.