Tips for Lakeside Church

745 Oak Ave Parkway Folsom CA 95630
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Lakeside Church Tips

  • Casual 1
Kevin Andrews
5 events
1 review
1 stars
Park off-site and walk in if it's reasonably close, with it almost certainly will be. Plan to spend a few minutes on your way out chatting with the performers, taking pictures. Optional of course, but it's fun and they are friendly and approachable.
Kevin Andrews
5 events
1 review
1 stars
The weather was indoors. I wore shorts and light jacket.
Kevin Andrews
5 events
1 review
1 stars
Park off-site and walk in if it's not too far, which in most cases it won't be. They don't tell you there is a fee for parking until you're committed. Meh. $5, no biggie. Performers will be waiting for you outside as you exit for photo ops and conversation. Very approachable, be sure to plan to include that in your fun.
Kevin Andrews
5 events
1 review
1 stars
The weather was Cool, but indoors. I wore Shorts and a light jacket..

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