2,187 Hollywood Bowl Tips
Do not skimp on the food, snacks and drinks. Major part of the fun!
Park and ride! $8.00 roundtrip and no hassles. Fun ride, too
Dress for comfort, but the fashion patrol is still in effect.
Bring your food, drinks, liquor for this venue since it is an all day event. it is worth it.
Bringing your own snacks is the best feature of this venue.
Get their early, so you don't feel rushed and end up spending too much for parking (i.e. $40)
Seat cushions make the benches more comfortable
We park at the Ventura lot up the road off of Cahuenga - only $4/pp, so worth it.
Blazing hot during the day - wear layers.
Go Metro!
If using shuttle park, be careful that your car is not blocked if leaving early
Bring your own
Dress comfortably, bring Jacket as it gets cold in the evening
Alcohol IS permitted, just needs to be in PLASTIC containers!
Avoid parking hassles at the Bowl - use the shuttle or park & ride bus. Call 323-850-2000 for info.
32nd Annual Playboy Jazz Festival
No glass bottles
Save the hassle of bringing in your own seat cushions, you can rent them for 50 cents.
I saw no lines, but it can be pricey and selection limited
Wear layers. October can be warm or chilly