1,379 Pasadena Playhouse Tips
Would be festive to dress up!
Get there early and have cash for parking.
There was a bathroom in the theater upstairs, thank goodness
The isher referred us to the bathroom in the theater upstairs...Thank you
Only one small restroom available prior to showtime.
Theatre has not heating and poor sound
Go to the restroom elsewhere, ladies. The lines are looonnggg!
Plan on paying about $7 to park.
Nice addition of the food truck
The balcony is generally warmer
Parked in the parking lot next street over $3 not to bad.
Your choice, wear what you feel comfortable in.
This will never change
If you go to the 8:00 showing eat first
Parking up the street for less $5.00 and $4.00 if you like walking
Dress to impress! dress notch up from business
Great local restaurAnts!!
Valet, limited street parking or pay local lot. $7-9.00
Always bring a sweater